While we take considerable care in your stay please note that the village, mountains, nature reserves, roads and overall site has its own unique dangers. These include wild animals, slippery surfaces, high drops, snake bites, flooding, landslides, bad roads, etc. You are responsible for yourself and your own safety, health, security, and belongings. We are in no way responsible for your safety, health, personal valuables or belongings. You stay at your own risk and you travel in the area at your own risk. We are not responsible for health issues, accidents or food poisoning at our homes, cafes or other place we might suggest you visit or do activities in. It is up to you to judge if you have the suitable skill, equipment, and level of understanding if you decide to follow one of the routes or trails that we suggest on our website or other locations. We do not have guides nor do we provide instruction. We are not responsible for travel to/from our place in any way and only suggest 3rd party means of transport. You borrow our equipment at your own risk. We do not suggest children be unaccompanied nor should they run around in dangerous areas due to slippery surfaces and high drops with no safety rails. Please note the site is not suitable for wheelchair access and we currently have no special needs access or facilities. By signing this document you understand that you are totally responsible for your own well-being and agree to abide by the below rules and regulations and those of the area and laws.
你需要自行判断是否具备足够的设备,技能和相关知识来选择我们网站中推荐的任何骑行路线.我们不负责指导,也不会提供任何指导。我方可以为您提供第三方车辆的联络和协助安排,但对于来往途中可能发生的任何危险及存在的风险,我方不负有任何法律责任。如果您借用我们的任何车辆或工具设备等,您需要自行判断是否有足够的技能或适合使用,并且由此造成的任何风险或者意外需由你自行承担。我们不建议儿童在无人陪伴的情况在外活动,并且儿童也不适合在某些可能存在危险的地方奔跑,因为许多路面表面光滑,并且高处区域也并没有设置围栏。 请知悉,本区域内不适合轮椅通行,我们目前没有特殊的轮椅通道或设施。 一旦您签署本了文件,即说明您充分了解您对自身的安全负有全部责任,并同意遵守本文件内的各类提示和相关法律法规。