Renovation of old and new houses are underway for Wildhomestay in Yingchuan. Soft opening will take place in April with the full opening in May. Eating options will be limited to start but we will keep adding during the year. 野趣乡居在英川的装修工作正在进行中。计划4月将试营业,5月正式开张。将会有一个正式的餐厅,计划5月底开张,餐厅开张前会配置简单餐饮。
We have selected various houses in the south west of the village along the hills paths, away from the noise, in the old area of town. 我们的房子位于一个古老的村子边缘,背靠着几座小山和竹林。


This picture shows most of the houses we are renovating. For example, the old houses in the center with the red door (and the one next to it) will be our new cafe and the area around it converted to our outdoor lounge. The large house to the left we are renovating to a 20 person house. The box house in the north our yoga house, various others are also under renovation and we hope to be able to sleep around 60 people in total.