Our first Tanqi learning weekend with the Shanghai Cycling Girls group seemed to go well. For next year we hope to expand this to a few weekends spread over the year, divide into smaller groups and not only aim it at ladies :)…. The goals will remain the same; developing riders confidence and fun while cycling in hilly areas and seeking out adventure on the bike!
A warmer and sunnier day than expected full of punishing climbs, coffee stops and fun. Congratulations to all the participants and winners!
Simple briefing the night beforeA early start to try and get back while it was still light.Rolling to start. Only one flat(ish) segmentSmall groups formed!5 tough hill segmentsA few sharp non timed downhillsWell supplied coffee stopsMore ups & downsEating, drinking and getting brakes enrouteMore & more ups and downsSome tired smiles 🙂Challenge BBQA few sore heads!Awards and some great prizes from our partners.
Gallery of photographs. Many thanks to the photographer and all our participants who provided the photos!
A long day on a epic cycling challenge. The last dirty of the 2021 season had kind of everything. Think the photos do a better sum up than us writing it.
Well done to everyone who started and who enjoyed the day! Well done to those that nearly finished, just finished and easily (impossible) finished to get top points!
A big gallery from participants, a local photographer and us. Many many thanks to everyone for all the photos. Download
Bit of a wet startFirst big climbPeople warmed upPeople setting out from the first drink standA relaxed downhill followed by a river segmentThe new segment 4 with the hill top pagoda finish.A very smooth and groomed flagstone cobble section along the river.A not so flat forbidden by the coach!A visit to the pigs!A relaxed last segment 8 for some!Dinner& Awards – then bed!
Another gallery from YilanRyan 黄一澜. Many thanks for that. No so easy taking pictures while slipping down a hill!
And a few quotes from the day:
“Don’t stand up or the back wheel will spin”
“Sh@t that was steep”
“We love getting dirty”
‘Is this the end of the segment?!’
“So, that was the slippery road you were talking about…”
“do you have lights”
in my professional opinion its fu****
not another fu***** hill
not another fu***** cramp
this walk is wonderful
Doctor Justin!! /:,@P/:,@P
“is there another hill? Are you kidding me..?” hahahaa…how often have we heard this sentence [Facepalm]
the last part was worthy to call it real dirty gravel ride!
Notices!!! We have stopped providing slippers and toothbrushes as they are single-use items and generate too much waste! Please bring your own!!! Also if you bring your own bike please bring a lock so you can lock it on the bike racks outside of the bike shed or leave it in your car or room.
eBIKES We have some really nice ebikes to rent. A great way to explore the hills and villages of the area.
Daily Schedules Room Checkin: 2pm to 9pm. Late Check In: 9pm to 12pm. Prearranged. Check Out: 12pm. Late if prearranged and we are not booked the next day. Cafe: 8am to 10pm Breakfast: 8am to 10am Dinner: 6pm to 9pm
During your stay service related questions will be answered at The Cafe and wechat "wildhomestay" from 9am to 9pm. Bike Rental: 9am to 6pm. Pick up night before if you have a early ride planned.
Digital Nomads! New for 2023 we are pleased to be offering digital nomad workspace :) with great weekday discounts. Perfect for some serious work and adventure!